After a gap of around 15 years, Ayr SAC reintroduced the Ayr Flounder Festival, fished at Prestwick shore. Fishing times were 11am till 4pm fishing a flooding tide. Unfortunately the conditions for the match could nt have been any worse, with light easterly winds, bright sunshine and gin clear water! And because of this I think a lot people were put off to compete in the match.
46 entrants fished the match including 3 juniors.
Fishing was to be as expected, pretty bad! A few smaller fish were caught, but only one was above the 15cm size limit we had introduced, due to the conditions. So congratulations to Ron Storey, who managed to wangle out the only sized fish of the day at a staggering 15cm's.
Still.. a few lucky entrants managed to walk away with some nice cinnetic reels and other odds'n'sods and the 3 juniors that fished all walked away with some nice bundles of tackle, thanks to our sponsors TRONIXPRO & Asso UK Fishing.
Up next will be the Ayr SAC Openshore sweepstake, which will be fished on Saturday 4th October at Prestwick (possibly Newton Shore - depending on weather!) Fishing times will be 3pm till 8pm, fishing into darkness, so will hopefully be a few fish around for this match!!
The Ayr SAC brought back the Opens Shore Sweepstake on the 13th September, fished as a pre-match to the Flounder Festival which was re-introduced the following day. Fished once again at the Ballast Bank in Troon.
Unfortunately only 8 participants entered the match, but the guys who did enter all managed to catch a fish or two!
The results are as follows...
1st - Pat McGoogan with 13 fish for 342 points
2nd - Dan Hendry with 7 fish for 170 points
3rd - Vic Hendry with 5 fish for 156 points
Vic also took the longest fish pool with a pollack of 41 cms
The 6th match in the Club Shore Calendar was fished at Monreith - 6 members fished.
Upon arrival the sea looked good, with nice rolling waves and no rain thankfully - The match started off with a fair bit of weed for all of us and most of us opting to fish with one rod due to the amount of weed gathering on the lines. John, Iain, Malky and Iain's son fished along to the right with Sandy and myself fishing to the left of the steps. Sandy was first into a fish with a wee flounder, bites were at first hard to see but I managed a small dogfish shortly after. Eventually the weed cleared enough to fish 2 rods again and Sandy and myself were up fishing the rocks as the tide flooded in. I then managed a bass of 40cm's followed by another at 45cm's - then it was pretty much dogfish after dogfish for me, which was strange as Sandy, whilst fishing 20 yards from me failed to catch one!? I finished the match with 11 fish - 2 bass & 9 dogfish, Sandy had 4 fish, 3 flounder and a bass of 38cm's Iain's son, David managed a flounder of 26cm's - results as follows...
1st J. Soons with 11 fish for 410pts
2nd S. Wason with 4 fish for 147pts
3rd D. Grant with 1 fish for 31pts
The next match will be fished alongside the ASAC TronixPro / Asso Flounder Festival on 14th September 2014
The 5th match in the Club shore calendar was fished at Yellow Isle, nr. Portpatrick. 7 members fished the match with the addition of one guest.
Fishing from the venue produced mixed bags of fish for all members, with species including, Wrasse, pollack, haddock, thornback, smoothhound, grey gurnard and a surprise spotted ray for Robert Edmond. The fishing was pretty non eventful for most until the light went, then the venue pretty much came alive!
Results are as follows ...
1st R Edmund with 10 fish for 465pts.
2nd J Soons with 8 fish for 298pts.
3rd I Grant with 9 fish for 271pts.
4th N Wilson with 5 fish for 128pts.
5th D Grant with 2 fish for 84pts.
6th J Wilson with 2 fish for 70pts.
7th M Bletsoe with 2 fish for 67pts.
longest fish J Soons for 46cms.
The 2nd Summer league match of 2014 was fished at the Ballast Bank, in Troon, with 3 members attending the match. Sandy Wason, John & Shane Wilson. The results are as follows...
1st S Wason with 9 fish for 254pts.
2nd S Wilson with 3 fish for 101pts.
3rd J Wilson with 1 fish for 28pts.
The results I have for last weekends club match at Sharkatag are as follows:
Willie Kennedy (Sunday) Tope 120cm, Huss 102cm, Smoothound 92cm, Thornback 72cm SUPER GRAND SLAM = 23 points (Winner)
Stuart Cresswell (Sunday) Tope 136cm, Huss 84cm, Smoothound 85cm, Thornback 48cm SUPER GRAND SLAM = 23 points
Scott MacAleese (Sunday) Tope 120cm, Huss 94cm, Smoothound 60cm GRAND SLAM = 22 points
Jamie Soons (Sunday) Tope 122cm, Huss 90cm, Smoothound 84cm GRAND SLAM = 22 points
Gordon Goldie (Sunday) Tope 137cm, Huss 105cm, Smoothound 95cm GRAND SLAM = 22 points
Martin Alison (Saturday) Tope, Huss 2 QUALIFYING SPECIES = 21 points
Camie Donaldson (Saturday) Spurdog + Huss 2 QUALIFYING SPECIES = 21 points
Steven Toner (Saturday) Tope + Huss 2 QUALIFYING SPECIES = 21 points
David Tracey (Saturday) Spurdopg 1 QUALIFYING SPECIES = 20 points
Fishing was pretty hectic on all the boats with large number of tope and huss showing out from Whithorn and plenty of spurdog offshore from Drummore.
Over the weekend club boat owners also had a number of guests fishing aboard their boats so hopefully given the great fishing we may see one or two of these people joining the club in the not too distant future.
The next Club small boat event event will be the SSACN species hunt in Luce Bay on Saturday 16th August. Further details will follow in due course.
The 4th match in the club shore calendar was fished in Wigtown bay, with fishing from 3pm till 9pm, 8 club members fished with all of us catching fish for a change!.
When we arrived at the venue, it was beautiful, not a breath of wind and a nice temperature, then the tide changed and the wind went from nothing to a good 15-20mph.
Fishing was slow at first with lines being retrieved with bare hooks, baits being ravaged by crabs as it would seem, this went on for about an hour and half, but then I received my first bite and pulled in a nice flounder, the fish flowed pretty steadily after that, thankfully. My surprise for the day was a nice big bang on the rod tip, followed by a big slack line, struck the rod and retreived a nice plump flattie, it wasn't until further inspection that I noticed it was a dab! Cracking big fish which measured 36cm's, the biggest dab I have seen in a very long time! And strangely enough I managed another 2 of decent size, one at 31cm's and another at 28cm's.
When the match finished I had managed 9 fish, 6 flounder and 3 dab (biggest flounder was 43cm's) So not a bad days fishing, although it would have been nice to have seen a few smoothhounds!
The results for the match are as follows...
1st J Soons 9 fish for 346pts.
2nd R Edmund 7 fish for 240pts.
3rd M Bletsoe 5 fish for 152pts.
4th D Grant 4 fish for 140pts.
5th I Grant 4 fish for 135pts.
6th J Wilson 3 fish for 107pts.
7th N Wilson 3 fish for 96pts.
8th S Wilson 1 fish for 42pts.
Longest Fish S Wilson 37cms.
the 3rd match in the club shore calendar was fished at Gatehouse fo Fleet on Saunday 25th May - fishing conditions were a little calm than preferred but nice to have a bit of sun for a change!
The fish didn't seem to make an appearance unfortunately until later in the match with only 3 fish being caught (must've ben slow if John took to taking selfie's! - see below!) match results as follows...
1st D Grant 1fish for 38pts.
2nd R Edmund 1fish for 37pts.
3rd I Grant 1fish for 33pts.
Longest Fish R Edmund 32cms.
5 members fished
Next match is the 22nd June - Wigtown Bay - full details will be posted shortly
the 2nd match in the Club's shore calendar was fished at Wigtown bay, 10 members fished the match.
It was good to fish and not have the rain beating down for a change! fishing 4 hours of the flood and 3 hours of the ebb. The fishing on the whole was pretty good, with good numbers of decent flounders, the biggest was one of 41cm's to myself, with Stephen landing one of 39cm's - It was pretty constant all day with fish - most of mine caught on lug and crab baits, while further down the shore, the other lads getting most of their fish on sandeel.
The results are as follows...
Longest fish S Kirk 39cms.
The first shore match in the club calendar for 2014 was fished at Arbroath on Saturday 8th February. 5 members fished the event, including John, Shane & Nico Wilson, Robert Edmond and Jamie Soons. Fishing a flooding tide with the match being fished 3pm till 10pm.
Upon arrival to Ballies, for the regsitration, the sea looked pretty damn spot on, nice rollers and plenty of white water, so my expectations were high for decent numbers of fish.
We all opted to fish off the beach around the Ballies area. There was a fair bit of weed / kelp littering the beach but I was hopeful that this wouldn't interfere too much with the fishing. The match started off with not much action and the tide seemed like ages before it eventually started to flood the beach. I was aware that Nico had managed a fish further along so was ever hopeful that the fishing would pick up.
About halfway through the match the weed got pretty much a major problem for me with every cast dragging my line and rod towards the water, after a couple of tackle losses I opted a move! - Robert, fishing just round from me, managed to escape the cauldron of weed I was in and managed a fish.
I decided to give Vicky Park a try, packed up and headed round. I was amazed to see no one else on the beach as I thought these conditions were Ideal. Quickly set up and sent out a lug, mussel & crab bait into the gulley. It wasn't long before my rod tip was pounding over, picked up the rod and felt a couple of good slams, struck and first fish was on it's way in. Nice plump cod around the 5lb mark. Re-clipped and sent another trace out into the gulley. Again it wasn't long before I was into another fish. with around 5 minutes to go before the end of the match I received my final bite and brought in my biggest fish of the night, 6lb 5oz, I was amazed to see an octopus hanging out of its mouth when I brought it up - thought about using it for bait, but returned it.
Back to the weighin at Vicky Park...
Upon arrival I wondered how the fishing had went after I left, Robert had 3 fish and Shane & Nico had a fish each, John failed to catch... better luck next time mate!
Match Results as follows...
1st J Soons — 3 fish for 15lb 5ozs
2nd R. Edmund — 3 fish for 9lb 13ozs
3rd S. Wilson — 1 fish for 4lb 10ozs
4th N. Wilson — 1 fish for 1lb 8ozs
Heaviest fish — R. Edmunds fish of 5lb 12ozs