2018 Prize Giving
This year's Club prize giving was held on the 16th feb at the Ally MacCleod Suite at Summerset Park. The committee would like to thank Iain for doing the buffet. The committee and members would also like to thank Willie Kennedy for 10 years of service as ASAC Chairman this post is now handed over to Scott McAleese.
The night went well with the handing out the prizes to the match winners of the shore / boat matches. The race night was next to take us up to the Buffet. The throwing 20p at the bottle was won by Frank Spiers. There was a few winners at the raffle and the committee would like to thank all those who handed in donations for the raffle table.
Trophy Winners 2018
Boat Champion - J Nicol
Boat Team Champions - G Paisley / A Jones
Heaviest Boat Fish - L McBride
Members Specimen Boat - M Wilson
Species Hunt Boat - J Nicol
Shore Champion - S Wilson
Summer League Champion - I Grant
Shore Teams - S Wilson / F Spiers
Heaviest Cod - W Kennedy
Heaviest Shore Fish - M Wilson
Best Specimen Shore - F Spiers
Members Specimen Shore - J Wilson
Species Hunt Shore - J Wilson
Till next year tight lines....